My future self told me —
“Act now, because
it’s the only way
we’ll meet.”
So that’s why I put effort
into each piece,
I put my full expression
into each poem
pressing out of me.
In each moment, I act to
open it as a present.
Each instance is a gift
in which I —
“Act now.”

My action?
It’s to write here —
Right now.
Words, poems and phrases
to serve your own mind.
Words to meet your needs over time.
That you might one day turn and find
your own ‘future-self’—
Your own ‘greater power’,
your own ‘higher self’,
— what ever you call it.
I ‘act now’,
to help you on your path,
you’ve been called to —
and to fully support you on it.

And I don’t know what your ‘future-self’ is telling you,
that’s a conversation
you and the future must have.
However, looking to the past,
I know 2 things are true.
1. Your brighter ‘future-self’
is patiently waiting for you.
2. “Act now”
’cause it’s the only way
you two will meet.
I’m wishing you
all the best on this
heroic journey.
Peace. ✌🏽
P.S.… ‘act now’ toward your future-self.
Indeed, ‘now’ is the only place you can take action.

I remember reading “The Greatest Salesman In the World” by Og Mandino when I was a teenager.
It was one of the books we had in our home library. I even tried to follow the prescribed '30 days with one scroll' practice.
Looking back, there are two phrases that have stuck with me from that time:
- "Greet Each Day With Love In Your Heart" and
- "Act Now."
It's amazing how words learned at a young age can still resonate with us years later.
- Mandino wrote those words,
- my father purchased the book, and
- now here I am writing to you about them.
Always be ready to share a good word,
whether it's in season or out of season.
You never know how far those words will echo into eternity.
They have the power to inspire and uplift others, just as they inspired me all those years ago...
...and will inspire me again next time I read this piece.