This heartwarming story shows the power of simple words in forging deep connections. A stepfather's daily notes of encouragement to his stepdaughter b...
"I want to empower young people to write the greatest story ever told...their lives. I invite you to collaboration, and together we can create a cultu...
In a world that pressures conformity, staying true is the ultimate game. Embrace your personal dreams, integrate your inner and public identities, and...
When I turned 12, my father taught me invaluable life lessons that shaped who I am today. From venturing into the unknown to staying true to myself, a...
In the future, your child will face 'change'. They can see it as a threat or an opportunity. It's their character that will determine how they respond...
A parent recently asked about the authority I have to talk about youth character development. That's a valid question. Here's a response while also ta...
We've been taught that failure is unacceptable, but the truth is, it's essential for growth. Embrace failure as an opportunity for growth and tell emp...
In this series of 10 essays, your future self reaches out to your present self, inviting you to come, sit, and talk with them. They emphasize the impo...
Develop your grit by having a purpose beyond yourself. Discover how having a greater purpose can nurture grit, add meaning to your pursuits, and lead...
It's important to choose the 'empowered meaning' of a word, because all words have multiple meanings. It's in your choice in how you percieve the word...
Marcus Aurelius encourages himself to become an observer of his own thoughts and actions in order to gain greater insight into his being. He believes...