Empower your adolescent's journey to self-authorship by transforming commands into guided choices. This approach nurtures autonomy, builds decision-ma...
Empower your child to thrive by focusing on the present. Instead of dwelling on past mistakes or worrying about future outcomes, guide them with actio...
Your words are more than just communication; they shape your child's inner voice. By choosing supportive and empowering language, you plant seeds of c...
Pushing through tough times requires more than willpower. It involves changing how our brain responds to stress and finding meaning in adversity. Help...
"I want to empower young people to write the greatest story ever told...their lives. I invite you to collaboration, and together we can create a cultu...
A parent recently asked about the authority I have to talk about youth character development. That's a valid question. Here's a response while also ta...
You got to be you with your strengths and weaknesses, as everyone has an important role to play in life. The courage needed is to be true to your true...
Develop your grit by having a purpose beyond yourself. Discover how having a greater purpose can nurture grit, add meaning to your pursuits, and lead...