Learning how to disagree with your tween without damaging the parent-child relationship is crucial. By practicing intellectual humility and separating...
As parents, and 'psychologically wise adults in the room', we play a crucial role in helping our children develop a healthy self-worth. By acknowledgi...
It's important to choose the 'empowered meaning' of a word, because all words have multiple meanings. It's in your choice in how you percieve the word...
Marcus Aurelius encourages himself to become an observer of his own thoughts and actions in order to gain greater insight into his being. He believes...
Non-verbal cues can be confusing; fusing, melding and mashing emotions masked by silence, into signals and signs that find you on the receiving side,...
It's not 'knowing their secrets'. It's letting them know, if/when they are ready to share, they won't be judged, and you're listening for their wellbe...