Think about the desired outcome of a task before starting, in order to ensure that the goal is clear and achievable. Afterwhich, clarity is easy to fi...
Yes, tests are effortful, and they are meant to help us grow. They give us an opportunity to discover our strength and resilience #tests #growth #resi...
Have a calm mind in order to create a peaceful atmosphere, even in stormy times. By learning to still the mind, we can become a source of peace and he...
Be present and take advantage of the present moment. Be encouraged to focus on the current day and release any thoughts of procrastination or putting...
Until you're fully committed, there is hesitation and the possibility of withdrawal. However, when you make a definitive commitment, then guidance and...
Enthusiasm is essential for success. Be encouraged to be proactive and energetic when engaging in activities, and to put your own personality into the...
The writings of Marcus Aurelius, a Roman Emperor, have endured for centuries. Could it be he was creating a blueprint for future generations to follow...
A 9th grade student yelled across class that I speak in a sappy, cliche, Pinterest quotes. Yeah, there's some truth to that observation; I wrote this...