Empower your tween's journey through early adolescence by nurturing their metacognitive skills and narrative identity. Embrace the power of multiple p...
Unlock the transformative power of your attention by noticing and naming your child's strengths. This simple, yet profound practice not only boosts th...
"I want to empower young people to write the greatest story ever told...their lives. I invite you to collaboration, and together we can create a cultu...
When I turned 12, my father taught me invaluable life lessons that shaped who I am today. From venturing into the unknown to staying true to myself, a...
Effective communication is essential in building strong relationships with our children. By actively listening, understanding their perspective, and a...
Learning how to disagree with your tween without damaging the parent-child relationship is crucial. By practicing intellectual humility and separating...
Non-verbal cues can be confusing; fusing, melding and mashing emotions masked by silence, into signals and signs that find you on the receiving side,...
It's not 'knowing their secrets'. It's letting them know, if/when they are ready to share, they won't be judged, and you're listening for their wellbe...